Citec is a firm specialized in planning, design and management of transport systems.
With its team of transport engineers and planners, Citec is a recognized transport planning actor at European level. Thanks to its broad international activity, Citec can approach any kind of mobility challenge providing innovative and pragmatic solutions at the same time, to be always aside to its clients.
With more than 25 years of experience, Citec became a leading firm in the field of Large Event transport expertise over the last years, providing strategic advice and operational expertise to accompany Host Cities, Event Organizers and Owners from candidature and early stage planning, to event delivery and operations.
Its competence and reliability is proven by the long-term involvement on UEFA and Olympic projects. Citec is also active in the transfer of knowledge, observation programs, seminars and conferences, and capable to provide training to local authorities and event staff, or to moderate chair transport policy workshops.
Among the most relevant experiences Citec was involved into: UEFA Euro 2008, 2012, 2016, Winter Olympic Games 2006, 2014, 2026, Summer Olympic Games 2004, 2012, 2024, FIFA World Cup 2018 and Ryder Cup 2018, 2023 and as IOC expert for Summer Olympic Games 2020 Evaluation Commission.
Citec is the leading company of Citec Group, covering the whole scope of mobility, with its various expertise such as: event management, GIS solutions, transport planning and design, data treatment and digital solutions, logistics and asset management. Multidisciplinary competences for a broad vision and to provide turnkey solutions around transport planning and events mobility.