Position: City Manager - Major Projects and Infrastructure, Hull City Council
Garry Taylor is responsible for overseeing Major Projects and Infrastructure in Hull, including implementing the City Plan. He has successfully delivered the extensive City Centre works programme for 2017, making Hull a world-class visitor destination.
Garry’s recent achievements include the development of a strategic investment and medium to long term development plan for multiple investment programmes across the City of Hull. He has also successfully submitted funding bids which have brought in an additional £80m of public funding into Hull with an equivalent private sector match of over £500m of investment.
He currently leads a team of specialists to deliver a large-scale programme of regeneration – the catalyst that prepared the city for its year in the spotlight as UK City of Culture 2017 and beyond. The priority projects include a £25m Public Realm programme, major refurbishments to the city’s art gallery and theatre, improvements to parks and to key gateways into the city. Ambitious projects beyond this include a cruise terminal and a leisure, music and events arena.